Professional Presentations
A. Karimpour and T. Polech, “Cost-Effective Traffic Signal Optimization for Congestion Alleviation”, Upstate NY Section ITE Annual Meeting, Buffalo, NY (Sep. 19th, 2024).
A. Altieri, A. Karimpour, “Automated Statewide Estimation of Crash-Induced Delay and Queueing using Crowdsourced Data”, Upstate NY Section ITE Annual Meeting, Buffalo, NY (Sep. 19th, 2024).
A. Zumbrun, A. Karimpour, T. Polech, J. Fairchild, and B. Smith, Signal Optimization and Coordination Techniques for Urban Congestion Relief, Future of Transportation, U.S. DOT, DC, USA (August 17th, 2024).
A. Zumbrun, A. Karimpour, T. Polech, J. Fairchild, and B. Smith, Enhancing Intersection Safety with Signal Timing Optimization, presented at ASCE-ICTD, Atlanta, GA (June 17th, 2024).
M. Raycraft, T. Wang, A. Karimpour, and J. Ou, Enhancing Traffic Safety For Roadside Responders With AI, presented at ASCE-ICTD, Atlanta, GA (June 17th, 2024).
A. Karimpour, Leveraging Big Traffic Data for Improving Traffic Operations & Safety, 82nd New York State Association of Transportation Engineers Conference, Utica, NY, (June 5th, 2024).
A. Karimpour, Severity Analysis of Red-Light Running Behavior at Signalized Intersections: a Data-driven Approach, Northeastern District ITE Annual Meeting, Long Island, NY (May 16th, 2024).
A. Karimpour, Severity Analysis of Red-Light Running Behavior at Signalized Intersections: a Data-driven Approach, Upstate NY Section ITE Annual Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY (Sep. 29, 2023).
A. Karimpour, Workshop in Safe System: Infrastructure: A Design for the Future. Presented at the 2023 Lifesavers Conference, Seattle, WA (April 3rd, 2023).
A. Karimpour; New Practices in Undergraduate Transportation Education, Live Webinar by ITE (November 9, 2022).
A. Karimpour; Leveraging Big Traffic Data for Improving Traffic Operations And Safety. Presented at 2022 Upstate ITE Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY (Sept. 15th, 2022).
A. Karimpour and Yao-Jan Wu; Estimating Red-Light Running Violations Using High-Resolution Event-based Data. Presented at ASCE’s 2022 Transportation and Development Conference, Seattle, WA (June 2nd, 2022).
A. Karimpour. Workshop in Safe System: Let’s Get Real: We Can’t Keep Doing the Same Things & Expect Different Results. Presented at 2022 Lifesavers Conference, Chicago, IL (March 15th, 2022)
A. Karimpour and Yao-Jan Wu. Innovative Data-Driven Solutions for Traffic Operations. Presented at the 2021 ACEC Roads & Streets Conference. Tucson, AZ (October 6th, 2021).
A. Karimpour and Yao-Jan Wu Applying Innovative Research to Real-World Traffic Problems. Presented at ITS Arizona annual conference, Mesa, AZ, USA (September 30th, 2021).
D. Swartz and A. Karimpour, Exploring Factors Affecting Drivers' Violation Behavior at Signalized Intersections. Presented at ITS Arizona annual conference, Mesa, AZ, USA (September 30th, 2021).
A.karimpour, Estimating Pedestrian Delay at Signalized Intersections Using Finite Mixture Modeling. Invited speaker for the Multimodal Traffic Signal Transportation Research Board Subcommittee Meeting.
A. Karimpour and Yao-Jan Wu, Data-Driven Method for Assessing Network-Wide Speeding Issues. Presented at the National Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NaTMEC), Virtual (June 21st, 2021).
A. Karimpour and Yao-Jan Wu; Data-Driven Approach for Fine-Tuning Time-of-Day Signal Timing. Presented at ASCE’s 2021 Transportation and Development Conference, Virtual (June 8th, 2021).
A. Karimpour and M. Montagnino; Data Analytics for Traffic Signal Optimization. Presented at 2020 ITS Arizona annual conference, Mesa, AZ, USA (Oct. 14th, 2020).
Y.-J. Wu and A. Karimpour; Data-Driven Approaches to Improving Traffic Operation. Presented at the 2020 ACEC Roads & Streets Conference. Tucson, AZ (Sept. 23th, 2020).
A. Karimpour and Y.-J. Wu, University of Arizona & Pima County Speed Feedback and Enforcement Study. Presented at ITE/IMSA 2020 annual Spring Conference, Tempe, AZ, USA (Feb. 27th, 2020).
A. Karimpour and S. Wilson, Data-Driven Evaluation of Speed Management Strategies. Presented at 2019 ITS Arizona annual conference, Mesa, AZ, USA (Sept. 25th, 2019).
A. Karimpour and Y.-J. Wu; Speed Enforcement Strategy for Mixed Traffic Conditions: Analysis of Behavioral Effects and Drivers' Compliance. Presented at the Transportation and Communities Summit 2019, Portland, OR, USA (Sept. 26th, 2019).
X. Ma, A. Karimpour, and Y.-J. Wu, Statistical Evaluation of Data Requirement for Ramp Metering Performance Assessment: A Case Study of SR-51, Arizona. Presented at the Transportation and Communities Summit 2019, Portland, OR, USA (Sept. 26th, 2019).
A. Karimpour and Y.-J. Wu; Data-Driven Evaluation for Speeding Issues. Presented at 2019 ASCE/ASHE Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA (Sept. 13th, 2019).
A. Karimpour and Y.-J. Wu; Developing Data-Driven Speed Management Strategies. Presented at ASCE ASCE’s 2019 Transportation and Development Conference, Alexandria, VA, USA (June 10th, 2019).
A. Karimpour and Y.-J. Wu; Quantifying Freight Performance Measures Using Multisource Traffic Data. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA (Nov. 16th, 2018).
A. Karimpour and Y.-J. Wu; Truck Travel Time Imputation for National Performance Management Research Data Set. Presented at the National Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NaTMEC), Irvine, CA, USA (June 12th, 2018).
Y.-J. Wu and A. Karimpour; Quantifying Freight Performance Measures using Multi-Source Traffic Data. Presented at ITE/IMSA 2018 annual Spring conference, Tempe, AZ, USA (March 1st, 2018)
A. Karimpour, A. Ariannezhad, and Y.-J. Wu; Short Term Truck Travel Time Prediction Using a Robust Hybrid Model. Presented at the Transportation and Communities Summit 2017, Portland, OR, USA (Sept. 11th, 2017)
X. Li, A. Karimpour, and Y.J. Wu; Exploring Multi-Source Traffic Sensor Data for Multi-Modal Arterial Performance Measurement. Presented at the Transportation and Communities Summit 2017, Portland, OR, USA (Sept. 11th, 2017).